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CW LWIR Quantum Cascade Lasers (10-17um) | SIMTRUM Photonics Store

CW LWIR Quantum Cascade Lasers (10-17um)
CW LWIR QCL from 10µm to 17µm - HHL Packaged

These lasers are DFB Quantum Cascade  lasers (QCL) that emit Continuous Wave  (CW) infrared light at room temperature  with wavelengths ranging from 10  microns to 17 microns. The lasers are  mounted on a thermoelectric cooler  inside a sealed High Heat Load (HHL)  package integrating a collimation lens  and a thermistor to readout the laser  chip temperature.

Amazing pulsed-operation features

Pulsed operation is an attractive option for SIMTRUM. It means less electrical power  consumption of the package, higher  temperature operation, larger tunability, access  to even longer wavelengths, smaller heatsink  and easier integration in systems. A unique  feature of the long wavelength SIMTRUM product  is its very small spectral chirp during the pulse,  typically <0.04 cm-1/100ns. It allows intrapulse  spectroscopy without the need of high-speed  detection or QCW spectroscopy without a  degradation of the spectral resolution (down  to 0.01 cm-1) to be implemented. (SIMTRUM can provide a dedicated electronics for pulsed  operation.)

By controlling the chip’s operating  temperature through the Peltier element inside the laser’s package, customers tune the emission wavelength without mode hopping while keeping a longitudinal single-mode operation.

For larger tuning range, pulsed operation is an attractive option  because at these long wavelengths, the intrapulse linewidth broadening is relatively smaller than at shorter  wavelengths.

             The red curve indicates the maximum chip temperature as a function of the wavelength for CW lasers and the green curve indicates the maximum chip temperature as a function of the wavelength for the pulsed laser.

SIMTRUM can provided any wavelength in the 10-17 µm range and below are examples of gases that can be measured by spectroscopy at specific wavelengths. 

WavelengthMeasurable gases
In microns unitsIn cm-1 units
~ 11.3 µm~  885  cm-1CH3i Methyl Iodide
~ 11.8 µm~  850  cm-1COCl2 Phosgene
~ 12.6 µm~ 795  cm-1p-Xylene
~ 13 µm~ 769  cm-1m-Xylene
~ 13.5 µm~ 741 cm-1o-Xylene
~ 13.7 µm~  729 cm-1Toluene
~ 14 µm~ 713 cm-1HCn  Hydrogen cyanide
~ 14.3 µm~  697 cm-1Ethylbenzene
~ 14.4 µm~   694 cm-1Toluene
~ 14.8 µm~ 673 cm-1Benzene
~ 15.9 µm~ 628 cm-1UF6 Uranium hexafluoride
~ 16 µm~ 624 cm-1Neptunium NpF6
~ 16.1 µm~ 619 cm-1Plutonium PuF6
~ 17.2 µm~ 581 cm-1 Nitrous oxide N2O

CW LWIR QCL from 10µm to 17µm - Laser+Driver Modules

For clients who want to integrate the laser in a product, SIMTRUM provides and Laser + Driver module controllable by Windows Software and made of a PCB driver connected to the HHL-packaged laser. The driver takes care of temperature and current control, laser safety and modulation is possible, both external with a TTL signal or with a Windows software.


● Generates pulse widths down to 10ns

● Both external (TTL) and internal modulation with Windows software possible

● Driver includes both temperature and current control and onboard firmware safeguards the laser

● Controllable both with user friendly Windows software supplied or with Modbus communications over RS485

● Several systems can be controlled and synchronized for power combination

● Designed for integration into systems



Laser safety, Laser driver (ON/OFF), Laser temperature and TEC control, frequency modulation, external TTL

Physical interface

USB, RS485

Input power

24V DC


4.45cm x 11cm x 2.5cm


190g (HHL 120g and PCB 70g)

Operational temp

-20°C to +30°C @base plate. This working environmental temperature must in any case be above dew point to avoid water condensation.

CW LWIR QCL from 10µm to 17µm - Plug & Play Desktop Turnkey System

For lab development purposes, SIMTRUM provides a plug-and-play desktop turnkey system that takes care of everything like temperature and current control, air cooling and laser safety and comes with a user-friendly Windows software to operate the laser and modulate its power (external TTL modulation being also possible). The turnkey system can control two laser heads at the same time and can be fitted with red beam alignment lasers to make alignment easier in the lab.


● Supports high-power lasers and can operate lasers >1W of power

● Fast: can modulate adown to 10 nanoseconds of pulse width

● Can operate QCW lasers

● Plug-and-play system that takes care of everything (air cooling, driver, temperature management..)

● Keep your driver for future extra laser heads – no need to purchase a new driver

● Red beam laser helps you align your setup



Laser safety, Laser driver (ON/OFF), Laser temperature and TEC control, frequency modulation, duty cycle, external TTL

Physical interface

USB interface for PC connection (USB cable supplied)

TTL trig IN connector for TTL external signal

TTL trig OUT connector for synchronization

Option: Extra red laser beam for alignment help (typically 2-3mrad of pointing difference between the red laser beam and the infra-red beam)


A user-friendly Windows software is supplied

Input power

24V DC (an AC/DC power transformer is supplied)


Laser head: 20cm x 15cm x 6cm

Driver: 25cm x 15cm x 6cm



Operational temp

+10°C to +30°C of ambient temperature

Laser head cooling

Air cooled

Product specifications and Brochures

 Product Brochure Link:  

Typical Laser Characteristics

Laser Type QCL single mode Distributed   Feedback lasers (DFB) (1)
Mode of OperationCW or pulsed
Typical Optical Power5-10mW typical for wavelength under 15 microns
1-5mW typical for wavelength above 15 microns
Up to 20mW with a Fabry-Pérot laser (1)
Full Accessible Wavelength Range~3 cm-1 typically
Continuous Tuning Range>1 cm-1 typically
Side Mode Suppression RatioSMSR > 25 dB
Linewidth (FWHM)< 100 Mhz (free-running with suitable electronics for CW lasers)
Divergence< 10mrad
Beam QualityTM00
Output Beam Diameter
(window output)
Typically 4 mm
PolarizationLinear vertically polarized

(1): Fabry-Pérot lasers are also available. They offer larger output power (up to 20 mW), with broader emission spectrum. 

Mechanical and Electrical Features

Packaging Sealed inside a High-Heat Load   (HHL) package
Operating Temperature
of The Laser HHL Casing
+10°C to +50°C(1)
Operating Temperature of The QCL
Chip (for casing temperature of 20°C) 
-10°C to +10°C(2)
Storage Temperature+10°C to +50°C
Built-in Temperature Sensor ThermistorResistance @ 25°C: 10 kΩ
0/50 °C Beta value: ß =3892 K

Data about the Build-in TEC

TEC current consumption as a function of the wanted 

QCL chip temperature for different base plate temperatures 

and for a QCL thermal load of 6W.

Power consumption of the built-in TEC1 as a function of 

the QCL chip temperature of +20°C, 

with and without a thermal load in the QCL.

Current-voltage characteristics of the built-in TEC for 

different temperatures of the base plate.

Power consumption of the built-in TEC1 as a function of 

the QCL chip temperature for a base plate temperature of 

+40°C, with and without a thermal load in the QCL.

WavelengthMeasurable gases
In microns unitsIn cm-1 units
~ 11.3 µm~  885  cm-1CH3i Methyl Iodide
~ 11.8 µm~  850  cm-1COCl2 Phosgene
~ 12.6 µm~ 795  cm-1p-Xylene
~ 13 µm~ 769  cm-1m-Xylene
~ 13.5 µm~ 741 cm-1o-Xylene
~ 13.7 µm~  729 cm-1Toluene
~ 14 µm~ 713 cm-1HCn  Hydrogen cyanide
~ 14.3 µm~  697 cm-1Ethylbenzene
~ 14.4 µm~   694 cm-1Toluene
~ 14.8 µm~ 673 cm-1Benzene
~ 15.9 µm~ 628 cm-1UF6 Uranium hexafluoride
~ 16 µm~ 624 cm-1Neptunium NpF6
~ 16.1 µm~ 619 cm-1Plutonium PuF6
~ 17.2 µm~ 581 cm-1 Nitrous oxide N2O

System Configurations

ParametersHHL PackageLaser + Driver ModuleTurnkey System
Collimating Lens Inside the Package
Built-in Thermistor and Thermoelectric  Cooler (TEC) Inside the Package
Sealed Atmosphere Package
Plug and Play

Multiple Laser Heads

Red Beam Alignment

Air Cooling

Manual Shutter & Safety Key

User-friendly Software
Temperature Control of QCL Chip
MODBUS Control

Software or TTL Power Modulation
Modulation Down to 10ns of Pulse-width

HHL Package View

HHL package diagram showing the built-in thermistor that monitors the laser chip temperature and the base plate that dissipates the heat generated by the laser and the TEC.

Electrical connections (pinout)

Example of emission spectra as a function of the chip temperature for a QCL emitting at the wavelength of 17.7 µm. These DFB lasers are single mode with a side mode suppression ratio larger than 25dB.
Typical output characteristics of a DFB QCL emitting at 13.5µm.

SIMTRUM can provided any wavelength in the 10-17 µm range and below are examples of gases that can be measured by spectroscopy at specific wavelengths. 

WavelengthMeasurable gases
In microns unitsIn cm-1 units
~ 11.3 µm~  885  cm-1CH3i Methyl Iodide
~ 11.8 µm~  850  cm-1COCl2 Phosgene
~ 12.6 µm~ 795  cm-1p-Xylene
~ 13 µm~ 769  cm-1m-Xylene
~ 13.5 µm~ 741 cm-1o-Xylene
~ 13.7 µm~  729 cm-1Toluene
~ 14 µm~ 713 cm-1HCn  Hydrogen cyanide
~ 14.3 µm~  697 cm-1Ethylbenzene
~ 14.4 µm~   694 cm-1Toluene
~ 14.8 µm~ 673 cm-1Benzene
~ 15.9 µm~ 628 cm-1UF6 Uranium hexafluoride
~ 16 µm~ 624 cm-1Neptunium NpF6
~ 16.1 µm~ 619 cm-1Plutonium PuF6
~ 17.2 µm~ 581 cm-1 Nitrous oxide N2O

Laser + Driver Modules View

Turnkey System View

Laser Head Drawings

Driver Drawings

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CW LWIR QCL from 10µm to 17µm - HHL Packaged, wavelength ~11.3µm (~885cm-1), measurable gases CH3i Methyl Iodide, operation mode CW or pulsed, typical optical power 5-10mW, full accessible wavelength range ~3cm-1 typically, continuous tuning range >1cm-1 typically, SMSR>25dB. It can work with our laser driver or be integrated into a laser box to be a plug-and-play turnkey system.
4-6 Weeks Request for quote
CW LWIR QCL from 10µm to 17µm - HHL Packaged, wavelength ~11.8µm (~850cm-1), measurable gases COCl2 Phosgene, operation mode CW or pulsed, typical optical power 5-10mW, full accessible wavelength range ~3cm-1 typically, continuous tuning range >1cm-1 typically, SMSR>25dB. It can work with our laser driver or be integrated into a laser box to be a plug-and-play turnkey system.
4-6 Weeks Request for quote
CW LWIR QCL from 10µm to 17µm - HHL Packaged, wavelength ~12.6µm (~795cm-1), measurable gases p-Xylene, operation mode CW or pulsed, typical optical power 5-10mW, full accessible wavelength range ~3cm-1 typically, continuous tuning range >1cm-1 typically, SMSR>25dB. It can work with our laser driver or be integrated into a laser box to be a plug-and-play turnkey system.
4-6 Weeks Request for quote
CW LWIR QCL from 10µm to 17µm - HHL Packaged, wavelength ~13µm (~769cm-1), measurable gases m-Xylene, operation mode CW or pulsed, typical optical power 5-10mW, full accessible wavelength range ~3cm-1 typically, continuous tuning range >1cm-1 typically, SMSR>25dB. It can work with our laser driver or be integrated into a laser box to be a plug-and-play turnkey system.
4-6 Weeks Request for quote
CW LWIR QCL from 10µm to 17µm - HHL Packaged, wavelength ~13.5µm (~741cm-1), measurable gases o-Xylene, operation mode CW or pulsed, typical optical power 5-10mW, full accessible wavelength range ~3cm-1 typically, continuous tuning range >1cm-1 typically, SMSR>25dB. It can work with our laser driver or be integrated into a laser box to be a plug-and-play turnkey system.
4-6 Weeks Request for quote
CW LWIR QCL from 10µm to 17µm - HHL Packaged, wavelength ~13.7µm (~729cm-1), measurable gases Toluene, operation mode CW or pulsed, typical optical power 5-10mW, full accessible wavelength range ~3cm-1 typically, continuous tuning range >1cm-1 typically, SMSR>25dB. It can work with our laser driver or be integrated into a laser box to be a plug-and-play turnkey system.
4-6 Weeks Request for quote
CW LWIR QCL from 10µm to 17µm - HHL Packaged wavelength ~14µm (~713cm-1), measurable gases HCn Hydrogen cyanide, operation mode CW or pulsed, typical optical power 5-10mW, full accessible wavelength range ~3cm-1 typically, continuous tuning range >1cm-1 typically, SMSR>25dB. It can work with our laser driver or be integrated into a laser box to be a plug-and-play turnkey system.
4-6 Weeks Request for quote
CW LWIR QCL from 10µm to 17µm - HHL Packaged, wavelength ~14.3µm (~697cm-1), measurable gases Ethylbenzene, operation mode CW or pulsed, typical optical power 5-10mW, full accessible wavelength range ~3cm-1 typically, continuous tuning range >1cm-1 typically, SMSR>25dB. It can work with our laser driver or be integrated into a laser box to be a plug-and-play turnkey system.
4-6 Weeks Request for quote
CW LWIR QCL from 10µm to 17µm - HHL Packaged, wavelength ~14.4µm (~694cm-1), measurable gases Toluene, operation mode CW or pulsed, typical optical power 5-10mW, full accessible wavelength range ~3cm-1 typically, continuous tuning range >1cm-1 typically, SMSR>25dB.It can work with our laser driver or be integrated into a laser box to be a plug-and-play turnkey system.
4-6 Weeks Request for quote
CW LWIR QCL from 10µm to 17µm - HHL Packaged, wavelength ~14.8µm (~673cm-1), measurable gases Benzene, operation mode CW or pulsed, typical optical power 5-10mW, full accessible wavelength range ~3cm-1 typically, continuous tuning range >1cm-1 typically, SMSR>25dB. It can work with our laser driver or be integrated into a laser box to be a plug-and-play turnkey system.
4-6 Weeks Request for quote
CW LWIR QCL from 10µm to 17µm - HHL Packaged, wavelength ~15.9µm (~628cm-1), measurable gases UF6 Uranium hexafluoride, operation mode CW or pulsed, typical optical power 1-5mW, full accessible wavelength range ~3cm-1 typically, continuous tuning range >1cm-1 typically, SMSR>25dB. It can work with our laser driver or be integrated into a laser box to be a plug-and-play turnkey system.
4-6 Weeks Request for quote
CW LWIR QCL from 10µm to 17µm - HHL Packaged, wavelength ~16µm (~624cm-1), measurable gases Neptunium NpF6, operation mode CW or pulsed, typical optical power 1-5mW, full accessible wavelength range ~3cm-1 typically, continuous tuning range >1cm-1 typically, SMSR>25dB. It can work with our laser driver or be integrated into a laser box to be a plug-and-play turnkey system.
4-6 Weeks Request for quote
CW LWIR QCL from 10µm to 17µm - HHL Packaged, wavelength ~16.1µm (~619cm-1), measurable gases Plutonium PuF6, operation mode CW or pulsed, typical optical power 1-5mW, full accessible wavelength range ~3cm-1 typically, continuous tuning range >1cm-1 typically, SMSR>25dB.It can work with our laser driver or be integrated into a laser box to be a plug-and-play turnkey system.
4-6 Weeks Request for quote
CW LWIR QCL from 10µm to 17µm - HHL Packaged, wavelength ~17.2µm (~581cm-1), measurable gases Nitrous oxide N2O, operation mode CW or pulsed, typical optical power 1-5mW, full accessible wavelength range ~3cm-1 typically, continuous tuning range >1cm-1 typically, SMSR>25dB. It can work with our laser driver or be integrated into a laser box to be a plug-and-play turnkey system.
4-6 Weeks Request for quote
CW LWIR QCL from 10µm to 17µm - HHL Packaged, Please select this option and contact us if you want to customize the chip wavelength range between 10µm to 17µm. It can work with our laser driver or be integrated into a laser box to be a plug-and-play turnkey system.
4-6 Weeks Request for quote
Laser+Driver Modules
CW LWIR QCL from 10µm to 17µm - Laser+Driver Modules, this product is controllable by Windows Software and made of a PCB driver connected to the HHL-packaged laser, please select the chip wavelength range based on HHL Packaged product list (Model No. STHHL118-STHHL172).
4-6 Weeks Request for quote
Turnkey System
CW LWIR QCL from 10µm to 17µm - Plug & Play Desktop Turnkey System, The Turnkey systems can control two laser heads simultaneously and can be fitted with red beam alignment lasers to make lab alignment easier. Please select the chips from the wavelength range between 10-17µm, and contact us about your completed box requirement.
4-6 Weeks Request for quote

Turnkey System - Parameter

Laser+Driver Modules - Parameter

STHHLC - Parameter

STHHL172 - Parameter

STHHL161 - Parameter

STHHL160 - Parameter

STHHL159 - Parameter

STHHL148 - Parameter

STHHL144 - Parameter

STHHL143 - Parameter

STHHL140 - Parameter

STHHL137 - Parameter

STHHL135 - Parameter

STHHL130 - Parameter

STHHL126 - Parameter

STHHL118 - Parameter

STHHL113 - Parameter

Turnkey System - Download

Laser+Driver Modules - Download

STHHLC - Download

STHHL172 - Download

STHHL161 - Download

STHHL160 - Download

STHHL159 - Download

STHHL148 - Download

STHHL144 - Download

STHHL143 - Download

STHHL140 - Download

STHHL137 - Download

STHHL135 - Download

STHHL130 - Download

STHHL126 - Download

STHHL118 - Download

STHHL113 - Download


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