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Zero Order Waveplates | SIMTRUM Photonics Store

Zero Order Waveplates

 Zero Order Waveplates allow a very specific retardation value. They can consist of two multiple order waveplates with a difference in the axes allowing the desired retardation value. They can also be of a single birefringent material that is manufactured and designed to be ultra-thin to attain the desired retardation value. In the case of ultrathin thickness, there would be challenges in mounting and handling the plate, but retardation stability to wavelength shift is of top quality as compared to other waveplates.

Simtrum offers a variety of Zero-Order Waveplates such as: Quartz Zero Order Half Waveplates, Quartz Zero Order Quarter Waveplates, Polymer Zero Order Half Waveplates, Polymer Zero Order Quarter Waveplates, Zero Order Dual Wavelength Waveplates.


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